Organic Cotton Clothing versus its Regular Counterpart: Which One Should You Be Wearing?

 Regular and organic cotton clothing may seem all the same from the sustainability perspective, but the two are poles apart. How? The prior involves heavy usage of toxic chemicals, over 250 billion tons of water and the spread of 43 million tons of pesticide-laden dust into the environment every year. The latter kills 1000 people every day by causing acute pesticide poisoning.

Now, imagine purchasing regular cotton clothes. Your choice could lead to thousands of deaths in the farming industry. Wondering how you could save them? Switch to the more sustainable option of organic cotton clothing and enjoy an array of eco-conscious benefits. These benefits never compromise durability, quality or softness, and these are enough to encourage you in its favour. However, if you are seeking more reasons to turn to cotton organic clothing in Ireland, we have got them captured for you in this write-up.

Why Shop Cotton Organic Clothing in Ireland?

The benefits of organic cotton clothing go back to its roots – cotton crops are raised naturally with no traces of toxic chemicals, fertilisers or pesticides in them. This reflects a more organic farming method that ultimately results in sustainable living. Now, let us move ahead and check out other reasons to wear clothes fabricated from organic cotton than regular ones.

  • Stamp out allergies and rashes from the skin

Those having sensitive skin are more likely to develop rashes from synthetic fibres. The only way to dodge the inconveniences is by wearing outfits made from organic cotton. Moreover, such fabrics smell nicer than garments manufactured from regular cotton.

  • Prove safer for babies

If there is anyone who has got the most delicate skin, it’s babies. Therefore, they are more prone to rashes. The only way to keep them safe is by opting for organic cotton-made clothes. Unlike regular cotton, they are never sprayed with insecticides, herbicides, fungicides or biocides, all of which are well-known skin allergens.

  • Organic cotton is softer

Unlike regular cotton, organic ones are handpicked. This means the purity of the fibre is maintained  at the time of harvesting. No wonder clothes fabricated from such sustainable fibres are softer than you imagined!

  • Organic cotton cultivation never poses a threat to farmers’ health

During organic cotton cultivation, farmers are never exposed to perilous pesticides and chemicals. Therefore, they worry less about medical issues and bills. With the reduced fatality, they can produce more organic cotton and save the environment from toxic chemicals.

From the discussion, it’s evident that if there is a fibre that contributes to ethical clothing in Ireland, it’s none other than organic cotton. It’s safe and soft, exactly what shoppers want from their outfits.

Final Thoughts:

Organic cotton is a clear winner when the matter concerns which fabric is the ideal choice for shoppers. Garments like unisex t-shirts, hoodies and pants embroidered from organic cotton threads are widely available in Ireland from Reunion. The independent clothing brand, operating from Cork, deals in eco-friendly materials to eliminate environmental and social issues with its greatest weapon – ethical clothing in Ireland.


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