Sustainable Fashion: Why Invest In Fair Trade Clothing?

 Did you know that the global fashion industry is making a sizeable contribution to warming the planet? Well, the fashion industry is currently responsible for more annual carbon emissions than all maritime shipping and international shipping combined. 

Wondering how to make a positive impact on the world? Opting for fair trade clothing in Ireland can be the key to making a difference!  

Perplexed about what fair trade is and whether it’s worth the investment? Keep reading to know! 

What Is Fair Trade Fashion? 

With sustainable fashion becoming buzzword in the recent years, fair trade apparel has been on the rise. Fair trade is a global movement for promoting trade that’s just, equal, and empowering. When you purchase fair trade clothes, you know that your garments were not made using unethical practices. According to World Fair Trade Organisation: 

  • It is a vision that puts the planet and people before profit 

  • It fights climate change, gender inequality, poverty, and injustice 

  • It is a concept that showcases enterprise models of the new economy 

Reasons To Invest In Fair Trade Clothing In Ireland 

  1. It Is Unique And Lasts Longer 

One of the biggest reasons to choose fair trade garments is that these distinctive pieces stand the test of time. Fair trade clothes are unique and handmade, meaning they are not mass-produced. Clothes that are carefully handcrafted using natural, high-quality materials must last longer by saving you huge money in the process. 

  1. It Supports Workers And Local Communities 

Ethical clothing brands use only fair trade materials when producing premium quality clothing. This ensures fair wage for the workers involved in the creation of clothes, enabling them to reinvest in their local economies and communities. By buying fair trade clothing in Ireland, you are helping individuals employed in one of the most conventionally abusive industries. 

  1. It Is Better For Customers 

Another major reason to switch to eco-friendly clothes is that they are safe for you. Not only is fair trade concerned with the health and safety of its workers, but also with its customers. This is the reason why fair trade clothing brands only use materials that are free of carcinogens and other toxic chemicals. Ethically-produced clothing ensures that no harm is caused to anyone – be it the workers or the customers. 

  1. It Protects The Environment 

Top ethical clothing brands use only fair trade practices to produce clothes, thus helping the environment. Utilising sustainable practices mean these clothes address environmental issues like chemical use, proper waste disposal, water runoff, GMOs, as well as energy, waste, and energy usage. By switching to Irish sustainable clothing in Cork you can thus help the environment. 

  1. It Ensures No Child Labour & Forced Labour 

The global fashion industry remains one of the major drivers of modern slavery. Recent news suggests that billion pounds worth of garments are at the risk of modern slavery. Some articles even report that a few countries are forcing thousands into manual labour.  Fair trade fashion standards ensure that individuals are choosing to work on their own instead of being forced to work. 

Final Thoughts: 

Now that you have a detailed insight on fair trade clothing, what are you still waiting for? Shop fair trade clothing in Ireland to make a global impact while still looking fashionable!


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